Unity and WebSocket
Communicate with the websocket in unity-3d.
Use WebSocket-Sharp library to implement websockets in Unity.
OPTION 1 : Generate the .dll file
> Clone the repo from github: https://github.com/sta/websocket-sharp
git clone https://github.com/sta/websocket-sharp.git
cd websocket-sharp
> Open it with MonoDevelop (double click on websocket-sharp.sln file)

> Remove the Folders “Example, Example1, Example2, Example3” from the visual studio. Select these folders -> right click ->remove.
> In Visual Studio, change the build method to “Release”

> Build the project. Once build is successful the “websocket-sharp.dll” should be generated in the /bin/Release/websocket-sharp.dll

> Copy this .dll file in your Assets/Plugins
folder in Unity.
Option 2: Install using Package manager
> Unity has a open source package manager called NuGet.
> Head to asset store (https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/nuget-for-unity-104640) . Download and import this asset.
> Then search for WebsocketSharp and hit install button. (In my case it is already installed. You should see the install button.)